Since mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe out, unless we stop breathing, mosquitoes will keep coming. Gardening can be so much more pleasurable when you don’t have to deal with insect pests, and perhaps no more so than when no mosquitos are around! Unfortunately, these pesky insects love gardens just as much as we do. However, with a little planning you can make your garden far less hospitable to mosquitos.
One of the first steps in mosquito control is eliminating any standing water, the prime breeding ground for mosquitos. Refreshing bird-bath water daily and adding “mosquito dunks” to ponds and rain barrels help prevent mosquito larvae from developing. Make sure your garden containers don’t allow standing water to collect.
Another major step in mosquito control is eliminating overgrowth around your garden. Reducing their breeding habitat can go a long way in reducing their numbers.
Luckily, the same plants used to create mosquito repellants can also be grown in your garden to help deter them from your outdoor spaces. Also, there are numerous other plants that are believed to have anti-mosquito properties.
Some examples are:
Catmint nepeta
Lemon Balm
Lemon Verbena
Scented Geranium
Sweet Annie
If you’re looking to deter mosquitoes without using chemicals, try incorporating these scented plants into your garden.